Headers / Banners
  1. Home
  2. Page Banner – Level 1
  3. Page Banner – Level 2 with Text/CTA
  4. Page Banner – Level 3 with Title/Paragraph/(2)CTA’S
  5. Page Banner – Level 4 with Detailed paragraph/(2)CTA Buttons
  6. Member Header w/ Login
  7. Page Banner – Level 2 (no sub-text)
  8. Resource(s) Header – Landing
  9. Resource(s) Header – Subpage Level 1
Call to Actions / Featured Tiles
  1. Basic – Subtext / Button 
  2. Centered Text / Button 
  3. Full Width – Red (Mission) 
  4. 2 Block – Basic 
  5. Simple Centered/Blue 
  6. Simple Centered/White Icon 
  7. vSimple White/Icon 
  8. Feature(s) – 4col Grid 
  9. CTA – 4col Grid / Red icon 
Content Blocks
  1. Text only – Full –
  2. Content Block – Description –
  3. 4col – Clickable links w/ Title+CTA –
  4. Content Blocks – 2 cols text-only –
  5. Content Blocks – 4 cols text w/ subheads and links
  6. Content Blocks – Accordion
Text List(s)
  1. Checklist – 2 col w/ Header
  2. Checklist – 1 col w/ intro block

Footer – Global

Custom Blocks
  1. Receiver 
  2. Sponsors – Thank You
  3. Latest News – RSS
  4. Member Login
Templates (Custom Parent/Landing) / Example Pages:
  1. Home
  2. About
  3. Membership
  4. Committees
  5. Committee Single
  6. FAQ
  7. Page Layout(s) w/ sidebars – sticky / non-variants 
  8. 404