2020 Board of Directors
Slate of Candidates~Voting Now Open~
nafer bylaws
NAFER Code of Conduct
The Board of Directors of the National Association of Federal Equity Receivers (NAFER) has determined there are five open positions to be filled for the upcoming 2020 – 2023 term of office.
Pursuant to section 5.2.2 of the bylaws, the Nominating Committee has opened the ballot for all Full NAFER Members to vote for the following final slate of candidates:
Julia Damasco
Miller Kaplan Arase LLP
Joseph Grekin
Schafer and Weiner, PLLC
Geoff Winkler
American Fiduciary Services
Peter Davis
Simon Consulting LLC
Kevin Kent
Conrad O’Brien PC
Maria Yip
Yip Associates
Eddie Espinosa
Akerman LLP
Melanie Vartabedian
Ballard Spahr LLP
Peter Zlotnick
Moritt Hock & Hamroff LLP
To access the candidates’ profiles, please make sure you sign in to the NAFER community.
We encourage you to carefully read the statements of interest from each candidate. You may also reach out to the candidates individually before the conference prior to casting your ballot.
The ballot will close on the first full day of the Annual Conference, which is Thursday, October 8, at 7:00 PM ET and the results of the election will be announced the following day.
For more information, please contact Jennifer Brinkley.
Greg Hays
NAFER Immediate Past President &
Chair, Nominating Committee
Hays Financial Consulting
Kevin Duff
NAFER President &
Co-Chair Nominating Committee
Rachlis Duff & Peel LLC
Our Mission
NAFER’s mission is to be the preeminent organization for federal equity receivers, their professionals, and others seeking to become involved in federal equity receivership work. NAFER is dedicated to providing excellent receivership education and networking opportunities and instilling confidence in those selecting NAFER receivers and their professionals.
The nominations criteria and process are set forth in Section 5 of the NAFER Bylaws. Certain criteria to be considered include the following:
The Nominating Committee shall evaluate potential nominees based on the following criteria: overall interest and enthusiasm in serving on the Board, overall integrity, team work skills, ability to think for the future, time availability and time constraints, level of historical involvement with and support of the organization, and the ability to support fund-raising.
The Nominating Committee shall not take into consideration whether the potential nominee is an incumbent Director or not and shall not be obligated to nominate a candidate for the sole reason that the potential nominee is an incumbent Director. However, an incumbent Director may submit his or her name for re-election to the Nominating Committee for consideration by the Nominating Committee.
A nomination by the Nominating Committee shall be deemed that committee’s acknowledgment that the nominee meets the criteria set forth above. During the nomination process, the Nominating Committee Chair shall ensure that potential nominees are provided with a copy of the bylaws, the mission statement, and any strategic plan; and shall personally (or by delegation to the Executive Director) inform each potential nominee of the obligations of a Board member. Prior to nominating any person, the Nominating Committee shall confirm that each potential nominee is prepared to meet the obligations of an active Director.
Only Full Members who are in good standing, and who have been Full Members for at least one (1) year, are eligible to act as a Director.