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Our Mission

NAFER’s mission is to be the preeminent organization for Federal equity receivers, their professionals, and others seeking to become involved in federal equity receivership work. NAFER is dedicated to providing excellent receivership education and networking opportunities and instilling confidence in those selecting NAFER receivers and their professionals.

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Become a part of the network of esteemed professionals in the only association dedicated to the receivership practice. Start receiving your membership benefits today!

The National Association of Federal Equity Receivers (NAFER) is made up of leading professionals who work in the area of receivership, insolvency, bankruptcy, restructuring and international asset recovery.

NAFER serves as a resource for providers of professional services, such as expert witnesses, attorneys, forensic accountants, auction houses, document managers, appraisers, and property managers. Members are expected to actively participate in advancing the goals of the association by serving on committees, contributing information to the legal brief bank, model documents and website, and exchanging ideas with other members.



Associate Membership is available to those individuals that do not meet the experience criteria of Full Membership as determined by the Membership Committee and/or the Board.  Associate Member Dues are $375 per year.